Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Sunday School- New Year, New Classes

We are pleased to announce that we have some made some changes/additions to our Sunday School programs.

The Children's Sunday School (Pre-K - 5th grade) will be following the rotation model as explained on www.rotation.org. The children will have one lesson for 5 weeks. Each week, they will go to a different activity that will be related to the story. They will be split up into age groups except on week 5- cooking. The rotation will start over after every 5 weeks and a new lesson will be taught.
See the schedule here for the first rotation. 

We have also added a new Adult Sunday School Class.
Young Family/Adults Sunday School begins in January 2016
Jan. 3 - Social
Jan. 10 - Class begins
Materials will be available for review on the Commons Area every Sunday
Check out this link for a sample lesson: 

We hope to see some new and old faces in our Sunday School classes. 

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

White Christmas December 6th for Garner Area Ministries

Our Annual White Christmas Collection of food and monetary donations will be held during Worship on December 6th. This is our normal collection date but we would like to have an Extra Large collection of food to help meet the needs of the community during the Christmas Season. It is especially important now as Garner Area Ministries was broken into and $5000 was stolen from them. That money could have supplied two months worth of food or paid 30 power bills. They need our help now more than ever as the winter approaches.

Here is the link to the article. http://wncn.com/2015/11/24/thief-steals-nearly-5000-from-wake-county-ministries-charity/

Let's rally together again and help GAM recover from their loss plus some.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Operation Christmas Child

Our congregation really stepped it up this year. In previous years, we have fallen short of our goal of 100 boxes. This year we exceeded that goal and 123 were turned in on Sunday, November 22 during the worship hour.

I am also aware of at least 4 more boxes that couldn't make it on Sunday but are being dropped off today at a distribution center. This brings our total overall to 127! This is amazing. It just proves that when our church is given a challenge, we can meet it and exceed it.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Breakfast with Santa

December 5th

 7:30 am - 10:30 am

Wright Fellowship Hall

$4 for ages 2 - 12

$6 for ages 12 and up

Free for ages 2 and under

Price includes a digital photo with Santa

Holiday Festivities

We are officially into the Holiday Season with Thanksgiving two weeks away and Christmas just 41 days away.
Here are some upcoming dates to mark on your calendar:

November 15th- Boston Pork Butt orders are due.

November 21st

  • pick up your Boston Pork Butt.
  • Fall Frolic/ Thanksgiving Celebration for pre-k - Grade 5.  

November 22nd

  • Operation Christmas Child shoebox collection. Our goal is to collect 100 boxes. 
  • Community Thanksgiving Service- 4pm
December 5th- Breakfast with Santa starting at 7:30am
December 6th- "White Christmas" collection for Garner Area Ministries
December 20th- Joy Offering

Friday, October 16, 2015

Boston Pork Butt Fundraiser

It is that time of year again to start thinking about what to cook for all those guests coming and going during the holidays.

Let the Men of the Church do the cooking for you! 

They will be smokin' their FAMOUS Boston Pork Butts on November 21st.

Get ahead of the game and place your order today! 

Orders will be taken until November 15th.

Pick up will be the afternoon of November 21st.

Happy Eating!

Fun! Fellowship! Volleyball!

Come Check us out at Lake Wheeler for the next few Sundays at 4 pm. 

Our first game had a great turn out and was a lot of fun. 

We hope to see you this Sunday!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Lots Happening at Ernest Myatt

Our Outreach Committee have been busy bees this summer but they need our help. The following are some of the upcoming events/ activities planned and there will be more to come. Help us get everyone involved. Pass the word along.

  • This Friday, help pass out water bottles at the intersection of Old Stage and 401. We have over 1000 bottles to pass out with the message "God Loves You!" This will occur between 4pm and 6pm or while supplies last. 

  • Join our Volleyball team or help recruit another team to play in our league. More information is available here. This is a Co-Ed league for adults 18+. 

  •  110% Day- October 4th. Mark your calenders and invite all your friends, family, acquaintances and anyone and everyone. 

  • For the next 4 months we will have a "Gift Card Collection Mission." There will be a bowl in the commons area every Sunday for the collection. 

For more information on all of our Events and Outreach Missions, keep up-to-date by visiting our events page: http://www.ernestmyattpc.com/events.html

Friday, May 15, 2015

Congratulations to Jean Bowman

On Sunday, April 26, at the First Presbyterian Church in Rocky Mount, she received the "Presbyteria of New Hope Outstanding Older Adults" award. This award is presented to those who have performed extraordinary service to their church, and beyond, and who continue to be role models for the rest of us. It was quite an affair. There were 61 recipients, from Raleigh to Mebane, Elizabeth City to Oxford. Brenda Buffaloe was one of the pastors who presented the award. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Men's Golf Retreat set for July 9 - 12

Mark Your Calendars!
Men's Golf Retreat
Myrtle Beach, SC
July 9 - 12, 2015
If you have never attended it will be a great time of Spiritual growth, Fellowship, good food and laughs.

​Please sign up in commons area at church or contact BobGreen, bgreen@ureco.com

We will limit the number of golfers to 20.  The cost will be approximately $300.00 includes 3-4 rounds of golf and all lodging. (Double Occupancy)  Single rooms extra. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Durham Bulls Baseball Game June 4th

Join Us for some BASEBALL!

Durham Bulls vs Charlotte Knights, Thursday, June 4th at 7:05pmTicket prices will be between $6.99 and $9.99 (depending on # we have signed up)Sign up by emailing Mary-Anna at haletigger@juno.com or on the sign up sheet in the Commons by April 13th. GO BULLS!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Sunday School Survey


We are in the process of evaluating our Sunday School program and where we can improve it. We have a some questions that will give us a place to start.

Please take a moment to answer 10 questions regarding our Sunday School program through Survey Monkey. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/XPY9FJV
Thank you for your time.

CE Committee

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spring is Here with new Events

I think I am speaking for all of us when I say that we are Happy Spring is upon us. 

For a list of our Spring events, check out our calendar


March 21st- Property Workday. Anyone who is available, please bring your gardening tools and meet us at 8am at the Church. 

March 22nd we will be holding our Annual Congregational Meeting after Worship with a potluck lunch. Please bring your favorite dish to share. 

March 28th- Join us for a Carnival of Fun to raise money for Relay for Life. Carnival starts at 10am and runs until 2pm. Punch cards will be sold for $5 each and the kids will use those at each station. Each station will be anywhere between 1 and 4 punches. The punch amount will be posted at each station. We still need volunteers for this. Contact dandkbuffaloe@gmail.com to volunteer.

April 2nd- Maunday Thursday Service at 6:30. This is a Communion service. 

6:30 am- Sunrise Service at Lake Benson Park

9:00 am- 10:30 am- Bring your Children for a walk through of Jesus' last week. Stations will be set up to mimic what Jesus experienced during his last week on Earth. The Children will learn all about why we celebrate Easter. (will be held at the church)

11:00am- Church Easter Service

Sunday, March 1, 2015



Ages 3 years to 5th grade
March 14, 2015
Buffaloe Lanes, Fayetteville Rd.
RSVP to Karen Buffaloe at


March 28, 2015
10am - 2pm
Looking for booth volunteers
contact Karen Buffaloe at dandkbuffaloe@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Dinner With The People We Love!

The Men of the Church and the EMPC Youth will be hosting a Valentine's Dinner Celebration on Friday the 13th, at 6:30 in the Wright Hall.

Seating is limited to 30 so please sign up in the commons area by February 8th. 

For more information, click here or find the event on Facebook here: Dinner with the People We Love

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Congratulations to Our Class of 2018 Elders

We would like to Thank Jean Daniels, Mary-Anna DeSoto, Karen Payne and Sid Collins for serving our church for the next 3 years as Elders.
(Left to Right: Mary-Anna DeSoto, Karen Payne, Jean Daniels, Sid Collins,
Pastor John Langham and Clerk of Session, Jean Bowman)

We also want to Thank our outgoing Elders: Wanda Paylor, Patrick Rorie, Curtiseen Strickland and Kyle Wescoe.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Welcome to our Blog.
Here we will be posting updates on events, pictures and highlighting important information.

We are also in the process of updating our website. Please be patient as we continue this project.
We are adding new features (including this blog) and information.
Our goal is to have an informative blog and website for both our members and potential members.

Thank you for you patience.