For a list of our Spring events, check out our calendar.
March 21st- Property Workday. Anyone who is available, please bring your gardening tools and meet us at 8am at the Church.
March 22nd we will be holding our Annual Congregational Meeting after Worship with a potluck lunch. Please bring your favorite dish to share.
March 28th- Join us for a Carnival of Fun to raise money for Relay for Life. Carnival starts at 10am and runs until 2pm. Punch cards will be sold for $5 each and the kids will use those at each station. Each station will be anywhere between 1 and 4 punches. The punch amount will be posted at each station. We still need volunteers for this. Contact to volunteer.
April 2nd- Maunday Thursday Service at 6:30. This is a Communion service.
6:30 am- Sunrise Service at Lake Benson Park
9:00 am- 10:30 am- Bring your Children for a walk through of Jesus' last week. Stations will be set up to mimic what Jesus experienced during his last week on Earth. The Children will learn all about why we celebrate Easter. (will be held at the church)
11:00am- Church Easter Service