Our Outreach Committee have been busy bees this summer but they need our help. The following are some of the upcoming events/ activities planned and there will be more to come. Help us get everyone involved. Pass the word along.
- This Friday, help pass out water bottles at the intersection of Old Stage and 401. We have over 1000 bottles to pass out with the message "God Loves You!" This will occur between 4pm and 6pm or while supplies last.
- Join our Volleyball team or help recruit another team to play in our league. More information is available here. This is a Co-Ed league for adults 18+.
- 110% Day- October 4th. Mark your calenders and invite all your friends, family, acquaintances and anyone and everyone.
- For the next 4 months we will have a "Gift Card Collection Mission." There will be a bowl in the commons area every Sunday for the collection.
For more information on all of our Events and Outreach Missions, keep up-to-date by visiting our events page: http://www.ernestmyattpc.com/events.html